Use this page to learn the basics of the each of these exams. Learn how the exams are structured, how the timing and scoring for each works, the specific topics each exams cover, and the best strategies to conquer them. Below are the basics, click Learn More to get the specifics.


The ACT is one of two major college entrance exams. The ACT is composed of four timed sections. The English section, which tests students abilities to handle grammar and punctuation as well as deeper rhetorical and logical understanding of English composition. The Math section, which is a straightforward Math exam that tests topic ranging from basic Algebra, Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry, and Pre-Calculus. The Reading section tests specific detail understanding as well as broader general reading understanding. Finally the Science section tests understanding of patterns and trends in data displayed primarily in charts and graphs. There is a separate Essay portion that is optional and costs an additional fee. Click below to learn in-depth information about the exam.


The SAT is the older, more-established college entrance exam, though no more accepted or regarded by colleges and universities. As of this year offered only digitally, it consists of two separate scores, first Reading and Writing and second, Math, each with a possible score of 800, for a total possible score of 1600. Each score is tested over two modules, both identical in their format and content. The second module of each section is adaptive and is based on your performance on the first module. The Reading and Writing modules test vocabulary, rhetorical and logical reasoning, grammar and punctuation, and finally synthesizing information. The subject matter of the Math sections remain unchanged from previous iterations of the exam, covering algebra, geometry and basic trigonometry.