Summer is The Perfect Time To Prepare For The ACT or SAT!

Anyone Can Improve Their ACT and SAT Scores.

Practical, step-by-step methods to improve your ACT and SAT scores

Hello, my name is Majid Hasan, thanks for visiting my site! After working with hundreds of students both one-on-one and in classroom settings, I've earned a reputation as one of the best ACT and SAT test-prep tutors in the Kansas City area. I've created this site to let people know of my tutoring services as well as share insights into the ACT and SAT. Here you'll find information about the testing process and methods and strategies I've created to help students tackle these tests. If there's any information you can't find here, or if you'd simply like to chat with me about you or your student, feel free to drop me a line for a friendly, no-pressure talk. Also feel free to contact me for a free practice test and or to talk about your student's scores.

Get Information About Both Tests

The ACT and SAT are two standardized college-entrance exams accepted by the majority of colleges and universities in the United States. Each one varies in subject matter, timing, and composition. They both offer their own unique challenges and should be prepared for using their own respective strategies. Click below for more information about the subject matter, timing, and composition of each as well as when you should start preparing.

ACT vs. SAT; which one should I take?

A question asked by so many students! The answer is that you should take whichever one you want to take! However, I firmly believe some students will do far better on one than the other. It's important to figure out which one! Some people like to take both because they're just covering all their bases or because the particular university they like prefers both. I recommend that students take both as practice tests and then decide which one they'd like to focus on.

Why Should I Get One-On-One Test Prep?

I firmly believe one-on-one tutoring is the optimal way to prepare for both the SAT and ACT. I can tell you from experience that classroom courses are ineffective. Test-prep companies love them because they are easy to offer and are very profitable. Instead of taking a class, you can learn at your own pace focusing on your own needs for about the same price. Click below to learn about my prices, my approach to preparation, and why one-on-one prep is better.